Oct 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
If you are a car guy or girl and have never been to SEMA, you are cheating yourself. Held annually in Las Vegas, SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) features all of the latest and greatest of the automotive after market industry, from lights, to speakers,...
Sep 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
UPDATE 9/3 11:45AM Congrats to yesterday’s final give away winner, BRIAN KERZEL. Brian correctly answered that the Fulcrum Tactical training field, “The Hollow,” is located in Mt. Carroll, Illinois. Thanks again to everyone for participating in all...
Aug 31, 2012 | Uncategorized
UPDATE 9/2 @ 11:00AMEST Congrats to give away winner…Nick Hober! Nick correctly answered that there are 3 different colors of the available of the kick ass “Wide Wheel and Cheap Thrills” t shirt. And that’s just one of the many many amazing...
Aug 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
UPDATE 8/31 11:00AMEST Congrats to today’s winner…Matt Grebe. Matt correctly answered that the Volatile shirt dedicated to the late Adam Yauch, MCA of Beastie Boys, is titled “Don’t Be Afraid To Be Yourself.” 20% of all proceeds made on...
Aug 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
UPDATE 8/30 5:00PMEST Congrats to today’s giveaway winner…Yunhui Bradshaw. Yunhui correctly answered that Tony B’s drift Mustang is putting down a whopping 800hp to the wheels. Thanks for everyone participating. 2 more give aways to come. Yunhui...